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Tracking A/B tests

Important recommendations regarding tracking

Please note, it's really important to cover with the events everything on your website. Sign ups, logins, sign in with google, connecting some integrations, visiting pricing page, trying to pay and etc. Literally everything.

Good coverage everything on your website will help you to:

a) Detect some unusual behaviour on your website

b) Compare the data with the historical metrics when you've decided to make the experiment

For example, you've decided to make the experiment with redesign of the pricing page. Your team can, probably, create the new design layout and prepare the experiment in code in 2 weeks, but what then ? You need to have some historical data regarding the price page including clicks, visits, purchases to understood how your experiment is performing - to compare the metrics on the new pricing page and old. Experimenting without historical data is not something impossible, but that data will help you a lot. If you don't have the historical data you still can to roll out the branch with new changes to 10% and leave the branch with original view/behaviour with 90%. In the worst case you will not lose so much, but if you have the historical data you can roll out the new changes faster.

c) Revenue tracking

It's really important to track the revenue. For most of the business we sure it's the most important metric. Your new A/B test can lower the number of some actions in your product, but we can probably live with that if it's inreasing the number of the purchases. Main KPI of A/B test should be revenue, the other metrics only lead our predictions to revenue growth.


After creating the experiment and integrating it into your app, the next step is tracking. Built-in ABRouter statistics allow you to effectively track the best-performing branches of your experiments and the funnel overall.

The first step on the way to track your experiment is defining your events, and starting to send the statistics to the ABRouter. You can do it by any of the ABRouter SDK's. Defining the events to track should be integrated into the process of creating new features in your product. If you don't sure track that event or not - better decide to track because you can decide to see the statistics by this event later.

See how to send the events to ABRouter statistics.

After start sending the events of the product to the ABRouter, you have to set up the display events in your statistics dashboard.

A Statistics dashboard is currently common for all experiments and overall statistics, but we plan to implement the custom dashboards with the list of events to show.

To set up the display events:

Login to your account

Click "Statistics" on the left sidebar

Click "Add events". On this page, you will see the list of events that you have created.

Then, click "Add event".

Fill in the name of the event you're sending. Then, define the type of the event. ABRouter statistics currently have only 2 event types:

Incremental event types

The incremental type is used to track the funnel indicators. For example, if your user has visited the payment page, you can send the "visit_payment_page" event. Then, set up the display event with the name "visit_payment_page" and type "Incremental". That metric will show you the unique relationship between user and payment page visits. If you're sending this event on each page reload, statistics will show calculate those events as one(+1), because you don't need to keep into account the rest of the events.

Summarizable event types

Summarizable event type representing the value of the event in numbers. It can be a purchase, refund, or something else. Each summarizable event is calculatable. The Statistics dashboard will show you the daily sum for values of those types of events.

After determining the type of event you can create the display event. After creating an event it will appear on each statistics page of our system: statistics by experiment, overall statistics.


There's some examples how to track your website metrics with event types:

sign up - incremental

log in - incremental

button click - incremental

revenue - summarizable

refunds - summarizable